Atherton Road to Everywhere

foto: nossa, the tower bridge

Above all ryvers thy Ryver hath renowne,
Whose beryall stremys, pleasaunt and preclare,
Under thy lusty wallys renneth down,
Where many a swanne doth swymme with wyngis fare;
Where many a barge doth saile, and row with are,
Where many a ship doth rest with toppe-royall.
O! towne of townes, patrone and not-compare:
London, thou art the floure of Cities all.

Upon thy lusty Brigge of pylers white
Been merchauntis full royall to behold;
Upon thy stretis goth many a semely knyght
In velvet gownes and cheyn{.e}s of fyne gold.
By Julyus Cesar thy Tour founded of old
May be the hous of Mars victoryall,
Whos artillary with tonge may not be told:
London, thou art the flour of Cities all.
- William Dunbar

4 Comentar?:

Anônimo disse...

arrasou na fota'migooom

Lôra Flor disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Eliseu Raphael Venturi disse...

nesses corredores (pós-modernos?) todos se acham hora ou outra!